DPA Service
With its DPA Service, ACOmarket supports ACOnet participants with regard to data protection documents, e.g. data protection agreements. In doing so, ACOmarket cannot provide legal advice for a fee. However, when negotiating contracts for software products and services that we offer to our clients, we additionally ensure that appropriate data protection agreements and declarations are in place. We also contribute our knowledge of the current legal situation by promoting and, if requested, coordinating our clients' cooperation in the drafting and review of data protection documents. This way, we can significantly reduce the amount of time spent by universities, for example, on the time-consuming examination of data protection requirements and the drafting of complex documents.
When negotiating contracts with suppliers, we not only check their draft contracts for software products and services that we want to make available to our customers, but also the requirements for the data protection-compliant provision of their services.
In our dialogue with IT partners, we are often confronted with insufficient or outdated data protection documents or uncertainties about how to handle instruments of European and Austrian data protection law. In this case, we inform the suppliers and only agree to offers for our customers when the data protection law requirements are met.

We inform international IT partners from outside the contracting states of the European Economic Area during contractual negotiations starting with a basic orientation on the requirements of the GDPR up to the provision of the appropriate standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission and freely available templates and examples.
Also in the interest of our clients, we act as a 'filter' for the data protection documents that suppliers send us. To ensure an adequate level of protection, we provide feedback from an initial review of their documents on with regard to their "privacy addenda", the listing of their technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the processing of personal data, and much more.
In as many areas as possible, ACOmarket wants to promote the cooperation, exchange and knowledge management of its customer community. Within the framework of the DPA Service, we therefore offer all ACOnet participants the opportunity to benefit from attractive synergy effects through cooperation in the context of data protection.
As a central service provider and competence centre for universities and other ACOnet participants, ACOmarket can support / take over the following tasks:
• Collecting and sharing templates
• Project coordination and assistance in the preparation of particularly complex documents (e.g. data protection impact assessments and transfer impact assessments)
• Sharing of results and findings from data protection projects

Our contact person for the ACOmarket DPA Service:
Michael Pisecki (Mag.iur.)
Email: office@acomarket.ac.at
Phone: +43 670 354 8193