OCRE-Cloudservices for all ACOnet participants
Since 2020, OCRE Infrastructure as a Service and other cloud services have been used by many organisations: You can also benefit from OCRE Cloud Services without having to launch Europe-wide tendering yourself!
GÉANT (for 'giant'), the Internet Interconnection Network of European Research, has launched EEA-wide tenders for IaaS cloud services as part of the OCRE ('Open Clouds for Research Environments') project. The resulting framework agreements for cloud services can be used by all ACOnet participants.
In addition, SaaS services can also be called up, e.g. if they serve the use of an IaaS or PaaS service (such as SaaS firewall software to secure the IaaS platform) or complement this service.
If your organisation also wants to use OCRE Cloud Services, please contact:
Mag. Michael Pisecki
Email: office@acomarket.ac.at
Phone: +43 670 354 8193

Your benefits:
- Validated cloud services that meet the requirements ot the community
- DSGVO compliance, integrated contracting and billing, technical support and discounted pricing
- Integration with the European Open Science Cloud
- Ready-to-use contracts (without having to conduct your own tendering process)
- Application for EU funding via OCRE possible (for eligible research projects)
In Austria, the following providers of their own European cloud services ('original infrastructure providers') are available:
- Blue Safespring
- CloudFerro
- CloudSigma
- Orange
- Setcor and
- T-Systems
For cloud services from non-European hyperscalers, ACOnet participants can contact the following distribution partners:
- A1 Telekom Austria for Exoscale
- Bechtle for Microsoft Azure and for IONOS
- Rackspace for AWS
- Robotron for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- SoftwareONE for IBM and
- Sparkle for the Google Cloud Platform

Currently, ACOnet acts as an intermediary ('referrer'), so that calls have to be made directly to the providers of European cloud services or the sales partners of the hyperscalers (details at https://www.aco.net/iaas-plus.html). In the future, ACOnet participants will be able to contact ACOmarket directly like a reseller ('underwriter') acting on behalf of ACOnet.
ACOmarket has been appointed by ACOnet to advise eligible organisations on how to conduct call-offs correctly in terms of procurement law and to assist them in the evaluation of the bids. Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!
Our contact person for OCRE IaaS+:
Mag. Michael Pisecki
Email: office@acomarket.ac.at
Phone: +43 670 354 8193